Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The 10 Commandments of Blogging

I read this the other day and thought that it was very meaningful and thought provoking. The one that hit me the hardest, I think, is # 10. I know that I am guilty of seeing others' blogs and thinking that they have it all together or they are doing so many awesome things and I want to be like them. I have to remember that we are all human, we all err and none of us has a perfect life - our blog is one small part of who we are and what we do, and we usually want our best selves represented here! So, read these and feel encouraged to do whatever you are doing with all your heart to the best of your ability! Also on that note, I have a little tear off daily calendar from The Purpose Driven Life and lately, that is just what he is talking about. Too often, we (ME!!!) look at what others are doing and think that we are nothing compared to them. But, God put the talents in each of us that He wants us to have to do the work that He has for us while we are on this earth - let's use them for His glory! OK, that's enough of that for now! Here are the commandments put out by The London-based Evangelical Alliance (based on the Biblical 10 commandments):

1. You shall not put your blog before your integrity.
2. You shall not make an idol of your blog.
3. You shall not misuse your screen name by using your anonymity to sin.
4. Remember the Sabbath day by taking one day off a week from your blog.
5. Honour your fellow-bloggers above yourselves and do not give undue significance to their mistakes.
6. You shall not murder someone else’s honour, reputation or feelings.
7. You shall not use the web to commit or permit adultery in your mind.
8. You shall not steal another person’s content.
9. You shall not give false testimony against your fellow-blogger.
10. You shall not covet your neighbour’s blog ranking. Be content with your own content.





I have seen with my own eyes that, "everything that sparkles is not gold" And when I read those too perfect blogs, you have to wonder! BUT! I think I am guilty of stealing blog I feel bad. :)