Standing firm on the old adage of "better late than never," here is my day 15 of my thankfulness lists!:
My new (to me), free washer and dryer from amazing friends who are a blessing in and of themselves. Thanks - you guys are just the best! Now I will have clean clothes!!!
My awesome church.
God Himself - for His protection, mercy, forgiveness when I mess up, love for me even when I am unlovable, guidance, inspiration - I could go on and on. He has been so good to me, I can not tell it all.
Sunday coupons.
Cool nights.
Take time to be thankful today! It makes all the things that go wrong seem not so bad when you view it through the eyes of gratitude for the blessings that
are there.
"To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever."
Psalm 30:12
Tammy...You inspire me to be a better person!! I am thankful for you & your example! :-)
My AOG day 15
Hot oatmeal with brown sugar :)
side jobs
He will never leave me or forsake me.
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