Bryan, Mark, Tammy and me:
MaKenna, Caleb, Holly and Sarah:
Then, the very next week, Kimi, Garrett, Micaylah and Austin came to town. Even though it rained most of the time they were here, we still let the kids get together and swim - blue lips and all! They had a blast in spite of the rain.
I am so thankful that our children are growing up together even though many miles have always separated them. They just pick up right where they left off the last time they got to be together - and isn't that what true friendship is? They are learning that at a young age and I know that it will bless them their whole life. Holly and MaKenna even play Barbies with Micaylah for old times sake!
Kimi and I were able to be together during homeschool convention and for my birthday! I am so blessed!
The time is always too short when you are with good friends. However, I am so thankful for any time to get to be with them. I feel blessed to know people that it is so hard to say goodbye to. An old saying says it best:
"Some people come into our lives,
leave footprints on our hearts,
and we are never the same."
Praise said it all and it seems so long ago that we were there, but it was a ton of fun and we can't wait for the next time we can come down. You always make us feel like we are a King and Queen coming into town b/c y'all make us feel so special. I pray that there will be a time we can do the same for you! Love you, Tammy
P.S. Just like the kids it feels like we pick up right where we left off whenever we talk. In a way it felt like we never even left.
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