Friday, January 30, 2009

Such a weird week...

1. I was very sick most of the week. So sick that I actually stayed home from quiz practice and kid's Connection - very hard to not be there for my 2 favorite ministries! But thank you Jesus, I am better today and ready to quiz tomorrow.

2. I saw Mark cry after eating hot sauce. Mark LOVES hot food - the hotter the better. He got a new sauce and didn't read the WARNING label about how hot it was and just put his normal amount in the beans and rice. Suddenly, he had tears pouring out of his eyes and sweat pouring out of his head!

3. As I was looking out my front window yesterday, suddenly a huge raccoon came from beside the garage and walked across my driveway with a dead squirrel in his mouth!

Unfortunately, none of these lovely events was caught on camera, so you will have to use your imagination! I have a Friday's thoughts that I have been saving and will try to catch up soon. Will also update about our tournament tomorrow ASAP! Have a blessed weekend!