Sunday, January 4, 2009

17 years ago today

Today marks the 17 year anniversary of Mark and I officially attending our church! Each year at New Years time, I reflect again all that God did in and for us then and has continued to do through the years. It amazes me everytime I think about it. Here is our story:

In May of 1991 we got married. Soon after, we started talking about church and the fact that neither of us was really raised in any sort of "churchy" or Godly way and we wanted something different for our children (which were then only very distant thoughts!). But, God was already doing something in us and preparing our hearts to find Him. We both came from a somewhat disfunctional homelife with no example of living the Bible in any way. Thank God that He was able to see in us what we didn't see ourselves - our never dying souls! And little did we know that what we thougth was just going to be something good to raise our children around would change our lives as well.

So, at this time, I was working at La Petite as a substitute teacher, going anywhere in the central Florida area that they needed a sub for the day. I was also in college full time to get my degree in Elementary Education. One day, I was subbing at a particular school and the director asked me if I was interested in a permanent position there. It was close to my home, so I said sure. Not long after, another position opened there. One day, a lady randomly stopped in on her way home from the beach to see if they were hiring - and she was hired. As soon as I met her, I knew that I wanted to be her friend - she was just that kind of a person!

Within a couple of months, she started going to a church nearby - our church - and came in telling me about the services and what God was doing in her life. I saw the changes happening in her daily as she began to live for God. Mark and I decided to go to church with her one Sunday. Well, I was just not expecting that service! I had never been in any sort of a charismatic service before. In fact, I pretty much knew Catholic services and that was it! Mark, however, had gone to some similar churches with friends and he was completely comfortable. This was October of that year. We didn't go back! We visited the church where we were married and it was nice, but very dry and mostly older people (60+)!

The more I saw my friend change, the more intrigued I was by what was happening to her. But, she was going to church 3 times a week and I couldn't miss my favorite TV shows! How could I ever begin to make the kind of changes that were happening in her? I didn't realize that it was not her, but God doing all the work and that it is easy to serve Him when you love Him! Then, one day, during nap time, she came in and "gently" showed me in her Bible what happened to sinners in the end. Now, I don't recommend that approach for everyone, but that was just what God knew that I needed to be my wake up call. I was not going there! We went to church the first Sunday of the new year and have been faithful ever since! Looking back, it always amazes me the things that He brought together to bring us to the opportunity to come to know Him.

Now, in all honesty, all of the changes in us took time. God is patient and gentle, thankfully. We have come a long way since then and He isn't finished with us yet! Lucy Maud Montgomery said "We live in the present, we dream of the future, but we learn eternal truths from the past." And that is so true. I dream of what God wants me to do and be, but I learn from His Word, from past experiences, from lessons learned along the way by myself and others. I am thankful that He doesn't give up on me no matter how many mistakes I make and that 17 years later, I love Him more that ever - He truly gets sweeter as the days go by! I would not want to know what my life would be like without Him. He is my best friend who is ALWAYS there - even when I can't reach my family or my friends or my pastor, God is there. He always cares and always knows what is best for me.

Thanks for letting me walk down memory lane! Wherever you are on your journey, I pray that you are allowing God to speak to your heart and lead you into eternal truths!



Happy Anniversary!


We both have similar goals in regards to letting God grow us into the women he wants us to be! I love that quote by LMM too! Fascinating!


thanks for sharing that, Tammy. It seems like you guys have been Pentecostal forever! Hard to imagine you any other way, which is a compliment :) Happy new year and church anniversary!


What a beautiful testimony Tammy!
I love you!


Happy Happy Anniversary!! I truly know and understand EXACTLY what you are saying and experienced. To Jesus be the Glory! I am so thankful for the faith and love you not only talk, but walk! You are a wonderful Christian woman and mommy. I love you, Red