I love the start of a new year! It is so fresh and full of promise and hope. Getting to put a new calendar on the fridge is so exciting! I know, I probably need to get out more!
Although I tend to not make new year's resolutions (I think that it is more important to set daily or weekly goals that are attainable than set ones for a whole year, never knowing what tomorrow will bring!), I do think that it is important to take time on occasion to re-evaluate my life, where I am, where I am going and where I want to get to, as well as a plan for how I want to get there! My family and I took some time to reflect recently on the things we would like to work harder on this year and had some great conversations. We have set prayer and fasting goals, family closeness goals, homeschool goals and individual goals. What about you? Do you set resolutions? How good are you at keeping them?
No matter what your thoughts on goals and resolutions, I hope that you include in your year more time for God - Read your Bible. Pray. Find a good, truth teaching church and be faithful there. Put God first in your life - it will be worth it! I leave you with this, which really sums it all up:
To better serve my Lord?
I’ll read my Bible every day,
And be more in accord.
I’ll love my neighbor, too.
I’ll focus on "give" instead of "get"
In everything I do.
Angry feelings I’ll discard;
I’ll try to love my enemies,
Even though it’s hard.
Instead of putting them down.
I’ll fill my heart with love and joy,
And never wear a frown.
I’ll put it all in His hands;
I’ll repent and try to sin less,
And obey all His commands.
Are difficult, at best,
But there’s something I can do each day
That will put my soul at rest:
With all my mind and soul,
And if I do that essential thing,
All the rest will be in control.
Happy New Year!!!
Loved the poem! Loved that we did the same thing as you (Shows me God is answering my prayers)! Love my new year's prayer commitment! And Love you!
Great post. Hope your new year is going very well.
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