My family and I spent the day at home putting away all of our fall decor and putting out our Christmas decor. It is always so fun to pull things out of boxes and "remember when" and go through the thoughts that those ornaments, decor or whatever bring to mind. The stories those boxes hold are amazing and wonderful because they were shared with people I love through the years and through many circumstances and situations. No matter what may have been going on at the time - finances, stress, work, births, deaths, etc. - it's funny that none of those things are the things we talk about as what we remember the most about that particular item. Kind of makes me think. Maybe the things that I am concerned about now really aren't that important in light of the memories I have the chance to make with my loved ones. Maybe those are the things that I should spend the most time concentrating on and let the other things in God's hands - the best place for them to be anyway!
I have much more to be thankful for than any blog could contain! But, now that I am decorated for Christmas, it is hard to remember that we haven't even had Thanksgiving yet! I love to decorate early for Christmas and have it there to enjoy for more than just a couple of weeks, so that is my first item on my list today:
Christmas decorations.
Homemade eggnog that turned out absolutely heavenly!
Pizza for dinner - no cooking or cleanup required.
Children who get excited about the same things that we do and enjoy doing things as a family.
I read this quote today on one of my little inspirational flip calendars: "Were there no God we would be in this glorious world with grateful hearts and no one to thank." (Christina Rossetti) I am so glad that I know who my blessings come from!
"Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence." Psalm 140:3
Did you miss me? LOL
Today I'm thankful that I can pour out my heart to God and know He cares for me. That simple.
Yes, I did miss you! I'm glad you are back because I love to read the things you are thankful for too!!
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