Tonight, I am thankful, amazed and overwhelmed with the fact that I am able to stay home with my children! After listening to an awesome message at church, I want to remember Lot's wife and not look back at the things we are "giving up" so that I can be home with them. I don't want to want the things of the world more than I want to be an influence on them. I feel so incredibly blessed to be where I am - even though there are a lot of things we do without, things we don't need anyway, I would do it all again in a heartbeat! If you are a stay at home mom, take heart! Don't be swayed by what the world says you should have or what you are missing out on. Those "liberated" women are the ones in bondage! They are slaves to jobs and schedules that take them away from their families. Anyway, it will be
worth it all in the big picture. Like the song and the verse say - what does it profit to gain the whole world and lose your soul? (Or your children for that matter.) If you have to work, I pray that you don't let it get in the way of your family and that you always put your family ahead of your job. In the end, you won't wish you had worked more hours, but you may wish you had spent more time with your family!
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