Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Daily Grind and Random Thoughts

Does anyone but me ever feel like you are so busy, but can't really tell what it is that you are busy with? Am I alone in this seeming contradiction that I feel occasionally?

Maybe the problem is that I have become soooo efficient with my life that there is not very much to do anymore - Ha ha!!! That is surely not it! I look at the piles of clothes the kids have outgrown, chores I am behind on, dishes, ministry details needed to be taken care of, etc. and know that that is the furthest thing from the truth. Some days I feel like I just kind of get by, in a busy way, but don't accomplish much. Boy is that frustrating. And now, I take the time to blog and forget about the dishes, the clothes, the chores, etc.!!

So, I could blog about my sickness last week that put me out for most of the week, or the muffins the girls have been making or the cute things we have taught Maggie to do, but I really just feel... BUSY! And this has to be the silliest blog ever posted! Maybe I am just taking advantage of the opportunity to express myself where it feels "safe!!" Maybe I want to make Beth feel like her blog is hip and happening compared to mine!! =D

Either way it is, I guess I just decided to stop for a minute to let all of you know in blogland that I am still around and life is going on, I am just a little busy these days!

I am just thankful that Jesus can help us to enjoy our busyness - especially when my busyness is so fulfilling in being with my children and working at my church in things that God has given me to do. The other things are really just fillers anyway for the more important things.
When my kids were little, I kept a plaque either near my rocking chair or in their room that said:

Cooking and cleaning can wait til tomorrow
For babies grow up, I've learned to my sorrow
So, settle down cobwebs, dust go to sleep
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

I always loved that poem because it helped me keep my focus on the important things. My personality can get easily overwhelmed with things that seem important, but in the big picture are really not. And, now that my babies are not babies anymore, I strive to remember in the busyness that they are the most important job of my life and to enjoy every part of the journey with them. Teenagers don't keep either!

So, whether you are busy or bored today, I hope that you find happiness and contentment doing it. Thanks for taking the time to let me share my very random thoughts with you! And now, back to work - whatever it may be at this moment!



Well, praise the Lord! You pretty much just summed up what is going on with us except that I don't have a teenager yet! Thank you, Jesus! That's the sweet, open and wonderful Tammy that I miss so very much! I wish I was there with you so we could both be busy together (not to mention clearing out all the clothes that the girls grew out of...;-))teehee! I am so thankful that you are feeling better and pray that you have a wonderful service tonight! Love you, Red

Beth'd do that for me!! whatta gal!