Sunday, February 10, 2008

You never know who's watching

I had a humbling and eye opening experience the other day. While out shopping with the kids, we got into a very long line. Along came a man behind us, asking if this was the line. After telling him yes, he told me that he had been watching my family all through the store. Now, I must say that this made me a little nervous - a middle aged Spanish man was watching my family? Well, he went on to tell me that whenever he saw us, he could feel God's presence and that he was trying to find a way to talk to me about it. He asked if we "praised God" and I assured him that we did! He told me that he has been looking for a church for a while, being newer to the area. It turns out that he lives not 5 minutes from my church. When I gave him a church card, he got so excited and told me that he passes there every day and has felt so strongly that he should go there, but hadn't yet! He said that is was confirmation to him! We stood there and continued to talk about the Lord and how excited he was to find a church family. He came to both services today and prayed through at the altar call this morning and, as only God can do, it turns out that he is distantly related to a leader in our Spanish services and they had lost touch! Isn't God amazing? He orchestrated my whole day that day - I left the house 2 whole hours later than I intended and was frustrated about that - but God knew just what He was doing putting me in that store at that time! It was very humbling and thought provoking as well to realize that wherever we go, others are watching us and deciding whether we truly live for God or not. I want to live my life in such a way that wherever I am, others will see Jesus in my and want it for themselves.



That is awesome! God is amazing!


Amen, amen, amen!! Y'all are truly shining for Jesus wherever you go and that experience was confirmation of it! I am so thankful for your life in Jesus for His Glory.